Elke Dreier (*1984) is a visual artist

Her work has been exhibited in Germany, Italy, France, Great Britain, Croatia and Iceland.

In her artistic works Elke Dreier investigates the role of the human body in an increasingly digitalized world. In doing so, she analyses interpersonal (nonverbal) communication and interaction in analog space. Everyday communication and movement processes are detached from their immediacy and restaged in individual videos, instructions and installations, with the interest of documenting possible shifts and simultaneously elaborating artistic options for action.

Elke Dreier is a master student of Prof. Olaf Nicolai, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich with Prof. Olaf Nicolai and with Prof. Nikolaus Gerhart. She received a three-month residency stipend at the Fondazione Pastificio Cerere in Rome and was awarded, among others, the Art Prize of the City of Kempten and the Project Grant of the Karin Abt-Straubinger Foundation. Elke Dreier has been teaching as a research assistant at the Chair of Fine Arts at TU Munich since 2019.

contact: gutentag(at)elkedreier.de

solo exhibitions

2024 Gaps in Motion, Kunstverein Allgemeiner Konsumverein Braunschweig (solo)
2021 Contemplation of the Forest, GIG Munich, curated by Magdalena Wiśniowska
2019 mold Karlsruhe, Ausstellung, Lecture und Talk (with Tine Voecks) in cooperation with the Kunstbüro der Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg
2018 Cold-Mixed-Perception, lecture “Visual Uncertainty and Uncertainty of Vision” and edition: Functions for Dreams mit Collection Born
2017 Karin Wimmer - Young Art Space, München
2016 Collection Born, München
2016 An Archive of Real Resemblance, Kunstraum Bogenhausen, München
2015 Timing Faced With Beat, Debütantenförderung des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Bildung und Kultus, Wissenschaft und Kunst, Galerie GEDOK, München (s)

group exhibitions - selected

2024 Pop Out, München
2023 Jahresgaben Kunstverein München
2023 Stockfish Festival, New Narratives, Reykjavik, curated by Helena Jonsdottir / Physical Cinema Festival
2023 Landschaft. Münchener Secession, Neuer Geschichtsboden, Vatersdorf
2022 totheland, Ausstellung im Perlacher Forst, Munich
2022 Münchener Secession in der Galerie des Verein für Originalradierungen, Munich
2022 GROB #nombregratis (invited by Jeannine Große), exhibition of Bild, Raum, Objekt, Glas, Burg Giebichenstein, gr_und, Berlin
2021 Stories of Empathies, Künstler*innenhäuser Worpswede
2020 Götzendämmerung, Künstlerverbund, Haus der Kunst, Munich
2020 ‚Man sagt, dass der Kontakt zwischen den beiden Linien an zwei Punkten stattfindet, die unendlich nah sind,...‘
Kunstpavillon im Alten Botanischen Garten, Munich
2019 Jahresgaben, Kunstverein Munich
2019 Die Flüchtigkeit des Augenblicks, Rathaus München, curated by Anna Wondrak
2019 Training for the Future, Z Common Ground, Munich
2018 Jahresgaben, Kunstverein Munich
2018 MATTATOIO, Talent Prize Exhibition, InsideArt, Rome
2018 Chinese Whispers, nationalmuseum, Project Space Festival, Berlin
2018 Memotion, Europäisches Künstlerhaus, Schafhof, Freising
2017 SO LONG, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Rome
2017 Collection Born at Château de Dampierre-sur-Boutonne, Frankreich
2016 Karl Schmidt Rottluff Stipendium, Kühlhaus Berlin
2016 Die ersten Jahre der Professionalität 35, Galerie der Künstler, Munich
2015 München Pavilion, EMAC-Festival, Rijeka
2014 VIDEODOX, Galerie der Künstler, Munich
2014 GASTSPIEL und Videoscreening OPENART Fest,Galerie Thomas Modern, Munich
2014 True Lab, EIGEN + ART Lab, Berlin


2022 curation and organisation symposium „Bodies Move Differently in Presence - Bodies in analog space in the age of digital communication“, at the Chair of Fine Arts, TUM School of Engineering and Design
since 2019 Research associate at the Chair of Fine Arts, Professor Tina Haase, TUM School of Engineering and Design

scholarships, grants, residencies

2023 Kunstpreis der Stadt Kempten / award
2021 scholarship Dr. Marschall Foundation
2019 publication support LfA Förderbank Bayern
2018 Collection Born Residency at Château de Dampierre-sur-Boutonne
2018 project grant of the City of Munich
2018 project grant Karin Abt-Straubinger Foundation
2017-2020 studio grant, Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Arts
2017 Residency Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Rome scholarship, European House of Arts, Upper Bavaria
2015 GEDOK debut grant, Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Arts
2015 project grant Erwin und Gisela von Steiner Foundation
2014 Max von Widnmann art prize

Books / Publications

2020 „Visual Uncertainty and Uncertainty of Vision“, Hammann von Mier Publishing House
2015 „Various Forms Not Defined As Communication“, Gedok

2020 „Bedeutungsverschiebung von Körperlichkeit“ Dialog auf Distanz, Beitrag Publikation, Kunstnetzwerk des DG Kunstraum
2020 „Why don‘t we remember plants?“ porcile.org (online)
2020 „8 Fragen“, Kunstbüro der Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg, Akteure (online)
2019 AVISO Magazin für Kunst und Wissenschaft 4/19, „Hinter den Kulissen“
2018 InsideArt Magazin, „Beyond verbal communication: body language in the digital age“ (text by Eleonara Bruni)

since 2022 Membership Münchener Secession